Driving Three 4K Displays - There is No Free Lunch

The unique feature of the Shuttle XPC slim DH370 is the ability of the system to drive three simultaneous 4Kp60 displays from the integrated GPU. This is particularly useful for digital signage purposes. However, if one were to purchase the DH370, expecting it to playback three different 4Kp60 video streams on three different 4K monitors, the person is in for some disappointment. In fact, I actually tried playing back three different 4K streams on the three monitors, and ended up with stuttering videos in all three.

In order to study this aspect further, I fired up DXVAChecker's benchmark section and benchmarked each video in our decode / rendering test set for playback at 3840x2160. The first iteration was done with one monitor connected, the second with two, and the final one with three 4Kp60 displays being driven by the iGPU.

Benchmarking the VP9 Profile 2 HDR Stream with DXVA Checker

The best-case playback frame rate obtained for each video in the three different display configurations is presented in the table below.

Shuttle XPC slim DH370 DXVA Checker Playback (3840x2160) Benchmark
Best-case FPS
  Single Monitor Dual Monitor Triple Monitor
480i60 MPEG2 118.2 91.9 83.3
576i50 H.264 124.1 103.4 98.4
720p60 H.264 101.5 100.4 78
1080i60 MPEG2 114.2 102.7 91.4
1080i60 H.264 104.7 92.6 82
1080i60 VC1 115.6 109.5 98.1
1080p60 H.264 108.1 86.7 82.6
1080p24 H.264 107.8 97.3 78.8
4Kp30 H.264 91.1 82.8 75.5
4Kp60 HEVC 84.8 67.1 61.1
4Kp60 HEVC Main10 66.6 68.3 55.6
4Kp25 HEVC HDR 55.5 52.9 49
4Kp60 VP9 Profile 2 HDR 55.3 51.2 47.2

The above numbers indicate that playback with a single monitor is fine for all the codecs (ignoring the VP9.2 video, as DXVAChecker was not able to use the ff-vp9-d3d11va decoder for the benchmarking). However, once more monitors are added to the fray, the ability of the iGPU to decode and play back the video at the required frame rate comes into question.

To be clear, the iGPU does not seem to have the ability to decode three simultaneous 60fps streams for any of the tested codecs irrespective of the resolution - the best case appears to be 124 fps for the 576i H.264 stream in the single monitor mode. That said, decoding three simultaneous 24 fps streams for certain codecs or some legal combination based on the numbers in the above table seems to be possible.

Driving multiple displays from a discrete GPU is relatively simple. The GPU has its own RAM where the frame buffers can reside. The GTX 1650, with its 128-bit memory bus, has a 128GBps memory bandwidth number. Contrast that with the Coffee Lake desktop processors, which, in dual-channel mode, have less than 40GBps available for both the CPU and the GPU together. It is likely that driving three 4Kp60 displays can take up a significant chunk of the available bandwidth, resulting in the performance loss that we see above.

The takeaway is that the Shuttle XPC slim DH370 can drive three 4Kp60 displays simultaneously. However, users must be prepared for some performance loss in this process.

HTPC Credentials - Local Media Playback and Video Processing Miscellaneous Aspects and Concluding Remarks
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  • NaterGator - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link

    Now this looks like one heck of a routerbox. If only it had 10GBase-T...
  • fusebokme - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link

    I have this box (the XH version) running pfsense on a Pentium Gold G5600. Multiple openvpn connections don't stress it at all. Got G5600 due to high single thread performance (pppoe and openvpn are single threaded). Excellent box. Very stable. Intel NICs. As you say: 10gbit would be icing on the cake but not too many places you can get 10gbit internet yet.
  • JHBoricua - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link

    Why? Way too expensive for that purpose, specially when you're limited to two interfaces. A HP T620 Plus with 8GB RAM and 16GB of storage plus a quad port intel i340 card can be built for half of what this costs as a barebones kit.
  • 0ldman79 - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - link

    If you're doing traffic shaping, sure.

    If you're just moving data it's massively overkill.
  • bill.rookard - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - link

    I have a SuperMicro itx board with an Atom D525 and dual NICs for my pfsense box - super quiet, and solid as a rock. Fraction of the price of this unit.

    (and no, there are no backdoor chips as far as I can see LOL)
  • GreenReaper - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - link

    Other than the Intel? Its PVAP (Protected Audio Visual Path) will remain:

    You might be able to use me_cleaner:

    Of course, you will lose the ability to decode protected formats in hardware:

    It may be paranoia to imagine that Intel has deliberately back-doored their decoder, but perhaps less so to imagine that there may be an exploitable bug in the code, especially given recent issues.
  • Irata - Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - link

    It seems that Backdoor chips won't be needed.
  • Hixbot - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link

    Another small pc review with no noise measurements...
  • mikato - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link

    He has a couple sentences with some subjective noise analysis that was very helpful to me at least. "simply too noisy for use as a HTPC"
  • Hixbot - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - link

    All of Ganesh's small pc reviews need objective noise measurements. It's one of the most important aspects of a HTPC. Temperature measurements are not much help if they can't be compared to noise levels.

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