With the rise of the handheld gaming PC market, we've seen PC vendors and their partners toy with a number of tricks and tweaks to improve improve framerates in games, with some of their latest efforts on display at this year's Computex trade show. Perhaps the most interesting find thus far comes from ADATA sub-brand XPG, who is demoing their prototype "Nia" handheld PC, which uses eye tracking and dynamic foveated rendering to further improve their rendering performance. For those unfamiliar, dynamic foveated rendering is a graphics technique that is sometimes used to boost performance in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications by taking advantage of how human vision works. Typically, humans can only perceive detailed imagery in the relatively small central area...

Understanding AMD's Roadmap & New Direction

We've been providing live coverage of AMD's 2012 Financial Analyst Day from Santa Clara today, but if you want a summary of the company's strategy under new CEO Rory...

84 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD's Tablet Architectures: Hondo at 4.5W, Future Sub-2W SoC

In its client roadmap AMD revealed Hondo, a 4.5W APU with 1 - 2 low voltage Bobcat cores and an on-die DX11 GPU built on a 40nm process. Hondo...

26 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD is Ambidextrous, Not Married to Any One Architecture, ARM in the Datacenter?

We've been hammering this point home all day, but AMD just mentioned it again. The company wants to be a solutions provider, one that's ambidextrous and not married to...

5 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD's 2012 - 2013 Server Roadmap: Abu Dhabi, Seoul & Delhi CPUs

We've got a server roadmap update from AMD courtesy of its Financial Analyst Day here in Santa Clara, California. The changes to the 2012 - 2013 roadmap aren't all...

10 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD's 2012 - 2013 Client CPU/GPU/APU Roadmap Revealed

AMD gave us a quick update on its 2012 - 2013 client roadmap, mostly focusing on new CPU/APU releases although there's a brief mention of Sea Islands - the...

12 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD & Compal Show Off 18mm Trinity Notebook

AMD's Trinity APU, due out near the middle of the year, will combine two Piledriver modules (four "cores") with an even beefier GPU. We've already laid out the general...

13 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

What AMD Views as Important: Tablets, Servers, Notebooks & GPUs

The slide above really puts AMD's focus into perspective. AMD is mostly interested in markets that have high annual growth rates. Looking above you can see that pretty much...

18 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD Nods at Shorter Design Cycles, More Synthesized Designs

The presentations we've seen from AMD thus far today haven't been very specific in terms of numbers, but there's a lot of reading between the lines that we can...

7 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD: Flexible Around ISA

The slide above gives an example of the new agile/flexible AMD as it applies to the datacenter. Again, we're not seeing ARM, but we are seeing that AMD is...

3 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD's Financial Analyst Day 2012 - Mark Papermaster, SVP & CTO Presentation

If you want to follow the CTO presentation we've been quoting from a lot today, check it out in the gallery below.

1 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD is Open to Integrating 3rd Party IP in Future SoCs

Don't expect AMD to go into much detail on this here at the Financial Analyst Day, but the slide above shows a definite step towards becoming a modern SoC...

2 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD Outlines HSA Roadmap: Unified Memory for CPU/GPU in 2013, HSA GPUs in 2014

AMD's CTO Mark Papermaster just put up this slide that shows its HSA (Heterogeneous Systems Architecture) roadmap through 2014. This year we got Graphics Core Next, but next year...

9 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD's Rory Read Outlines AMD's Future Strategy

AMD's Financial Analyst Day is under way and we're currently hearing from Rory Read about the future of the company. Specifics and roadmaps will follow, but the fundamental shift...

13 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/2/2012

AMD Radeon HD 7950 Launch Recap

I'm going to be honest with you: the Radeon HD 7970 launch recap was pretty boring, with its wall-to-wall stock coolers and stock clocks. Like many high-end GPU launches...

16 by Andrew Cunningham on 1/31/2012

AMD Radeon HD 7950 Review Feat. Sapphire & XFX: Sewing Up The High-End Market

Announced late last month and shipping 3 weeks ago, AMD kicked off the 28nm generation with a bang with their Radeon HD 7970. Combining TSMC’s new 28nm HKMG process...

259 by Ryan Smith on 1/31/2012

AMD Posts Catalyst 12.1 Drivers, Catalyst 12.2 Preview

AMD has posted its first Catalyst driver package of the new year, Catalyst version 12.1, the feature set of which hasn't changed much since the preview release - the...

11 by Andrew Cunningham on 1/27/2012

The Radeon HD 7970 Reprise: PCIe Bandwidth, Overclocking, & The State Of Anti-Aliasing

With the release of AMD’s Radeon HD 7970 it’s clear that AMD has once again regained the single-GPU performance crown. But while the 7970’s place in the current GPU...

47 by Ryan Smith on 1/27/2012

The AMD FX (Bulldozer) Scheduling Hotfixes Tested

The basic building block of Bulldozer is the dual-core module, pictured below. AMD wanted better performance than simple SMT (ala Hyper Threading) would allow but without resorting to full...

90 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 1/27/2012

AMD Q4’11 & FY 2011 Earnings Report: 1.69B Revenue For Q4, 6.57B Revenue For 2011

Late yesterday AMD released their earnings report for Q4 2011 and the entirety of 2011. 2011 was an important year for AMD as they finally shipped their first APUs...

13 by Ryan Smith on 1/25/2012

AMD Clarifies 7000M Strategy

CES has wrapped up now and we’re all back home, but we’ve still got a few items to cover. While Anand was meeting with AMD on Thursday to go...

16 by Jarred Walton on 1/14/2012

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