Power Consumption

Drive Power Consumption - Idle

Drive Power Consumption - Sequential Write

Drive Power Consumption - Random Write

Since the Mercury Electra has more components than typical SSDs, it shouldn't come as a surprise that it also consumes more power than other SSDs. Especially idle power consumption is very high, higher than what many SSDs consume under full load. Silicon Image claims that the Sil5923 consumes 0.55W but don't specify if this is idle or load power consumption. I feel that the idle power consumption is noticeably higher because two SF-2281 SSDs would only consume a maximum of 2W, which leaves at least 0.86W of power used by something else.

Performance Over Time & TRIM Final Words
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  • dishayu - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    I see 2x Crucial m4 in the charts? Is it the same drive running sata 2 and sata 6gbps?
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    Correct. The one line says "Crucial m4 256GB (6Gbps)" and the other is "Crucial m4 256GB"; there are a couple other drives tested on both 6Gbps and 3Gbps (Vertex 3 and Agility 3).
  • jigglywiggly - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    yeah this is junk.
    just get a 500gb vertex 4
  • Argyris - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    I think there's one consideration that wasn't mentioned, and that's durability. I can't of course speak for this specific model (maybe the more complex internals could impact long-term durability, but most likely not), but for SSDs in general this is a major plus. I've been rather unlucky with HDDs and have lost two of them to physical impact damage. One of the main reasons I bought a SSD for my main laptop was so I don't have to worry about this happening again.

    If you're dependent on your laptop for your work and you need a lot of storage space (more than 512GB), the peace of mind of knowing that your whole livelihood's worth of data is safer than if it were on a spinning disc has got to be worth a few bucks.

    Still, though, you have to wonder how many of these people couldn't get by for the time being with a 512GB drive (or the 768GB one offered by Apple).
  • Denithor - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    Well, first, if your data is so critical it should be backed up routinely on a very regular schedule. Offsite. Like every night, uploaded to a cloud drive somewhere.

    Which would effectively address the need for more than 512GB/768GB of "hands-on" high-speed storage - as everything not needed routinely could be kept on external drive and/or cloud storage.
  • Wolfpup - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    I'd generally trust a mechanical hard drive more than an SSD for reliability. The ONLY brands I'd trust for SSDs are Micron/Crucial and Intel...no way in heck I'd get a sandforce drive from someone else, and even then they haven't been 100% perfect.
  • ArKritz - Saturday, October 20, 2012 - link

    Great, more Samsung for the rest of us...
  • yankeeDDL - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    I love the novelty: I think raid0 is a great solution to keep costs low, use the current hardware/NANDs.
    I also don't mind the performance. But the price?
    There are already SSDs with costs below $1/GB. For 1TB, the cost of enclosure, assembly, boards ... should be proportionally lower. I think it would be fair in today's market to pay $750~$800 for this SSD, but no more.
    I am still an SSD-skeptic at these costs: sorry but for me until I can get 1TB for less than $300, this is a no-no. Yes, I can install a mechanical HD for storing large files, but I dual-boot and ~100GB are always gone between Windows and Linux, so 256GB feel too tight and anything larger is still way too expensive.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    Note: editing to remove some referrals. Sorry, but if we leave those in we just encourage spammers and run the risk of more people doing this.

    RE: Love the novelty, not the price by amdwilliam1985 on Thursday, October 18, 2012
    Check out Samsung 830 from amazon, I got the email this morning, man these are lovely prices. I got my Samsung 128GB for more than $150 a while ago.

    samsung 830 128gb = $69.99

    samsung 830 256gb = $154.99

    Not sure how long these prices will last.
    If I don't already own an SSD in my windows 7 laptop, I'll be grabbing the 256gb for sure. Samsung and Intel has the best quality as far as I know in SSD.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, October 18, 2012 - link

    Samsung is launching the 840 series drives; the 830 sales will probably end when inventory is depleted.

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