Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3198
The flight from Hartford to Raleigh is only an hour and twenty minutes long, but as fate would have it, we spent around seven hours trying to get home on our non-stop flight.
Apparently a lot of air traffic from New York was re-routed to Hartford due weather conditions, and if you've ever been to Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT, you'll know it's not the biggest airport in the world. The influx of aircraft to the small airport forced us little CT folk away from our gates and over to another part of the tarmac while the re-routed planes stopped to refuel. We spent about an hour and a half sitting in the plane, on the tarmac, waiting for these planes with no where else to go to re-fuel and depart before we could even return to our gate and deplane.
After all of the extra planes left Hartford, there was the issue of clearing our flight route to NC, which took some more time. Unfortunately all of the restaurants in the airport were closed by the time we got off the plane (around 7PM), but luckily the airport Sheraton had some food so we were at least satiated by something other than small bags of pretzels. Every other flight from Hartford got their route cleared and was off on their way...except for us. My mom (from Vinney's side), works at AA, so she pulled her magic with getting us booked on a flight tomorrow, but thankfully that wasn't necessary. When all hope was nearing extinction, our gate agent got the call and we boarded the plane destined for NC - about 5 hours later than we did the first time.
All in all I can't really complain, it wasn't that bad, and it was a lot better than driving down I-95 to get down here; it's good to be home. As I mentioned earlier, we've got tons of house related meetings down here. I also have to fix some problems with my parents' computers/network (something always seems to break when I'm not around). The Xbox/PS3 piece is basically done minus some polish and a few pretty pictures, it'll go up tonight so I can finally be done with that.
I'm fairly tired but I've got a bit more work to do before I feel I've earned the right to turn in for the night. Luckily my first meeting isn't until noon tomorrow, so I should be able to get just a lil bit of sleep.