Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3171
The testing for Part II is done; my little NCQ sidetrack made this take a lot longer than expected, but the end result is quite positive and I also have some more NCQ benchmarks for the article. I'm going to go ahead and call it a night now so I can be fresh to finish this thing up in the morning...er in the later morning. I'd expect it up by the early afternoon.
With this out of the way I'll have time to focus on a couple of other articles I'm interested in tackling: a Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Performance Guide, NVIDIA's nForce4 SLI Intel Edition vs. Intel's 955X Chipset and a thorough look at Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. I've set some pretty aggressive goals for myself to get those articles complete, honestly I don't believe they're realistic but I'll know more after I get a move on testing.
I'm back to ask for your feedback once more, this time on the nForce4 SLI Intel Edition review. Is there anything in particular you all would like to see? Right now I've got two options - make it a quick nForce4 vs 955X comparison, or make it a longer, more thorough nForce4 vs 955X and nForce4 Intel vs. AMD comparison. I'm currently leaning towards the latter, which unfortunately means it'll take a little bit longer.
It also looks like the board I have won't support dual core without a BIOS update...an update that won't be ready for another week at the earliest, which is a bit of a bummer. NVIDIA says it's up to the motherboard manufacturers to implement dual core support on their nForce4 SLI Intel Edition boards. I don't like grey areas like that, especially when dual core is the only interesting thing to come out of Intel in a very long time, so I'll be doing some digging.
Goodnight folks.