Task Switching - The Android Way

Android is, at least by today’s definition, a multitasking smartphone OS. Unless you force an app closed (or run out of memory) everything you open on the phone remains resident in memory until you restart the phone.

Switching between apps on Android is done very well. Just hold down the home button and you’ll see a window of the 6 most recently used apps. Tap the app you want to switch to and boom, you’re there. This process ends up being faster than on an iPhone because there’s no double tapping of any physical buttons before selecting your app; just press once and hold, then press one more time. It’s nice and quick.

Unfortunately there’s no way to close an app from the task switcher although there are many options in the Android market if you want something a bit more robust. Taskpanel for example is a task manager app that you can configure to kill all non-whitelisted background apps each time your phone is put to sleep. Ah the joys of Android.

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  • DigitalFreak - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    Problem is, no one knows when the EVO will be getting the 2.2 upgrade. Sometime this year is the only official word.
  • finbarqs - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    The "choppiness" and/or "lagginess" during scrolls is due to one MAJOR flaw in the EVO 4G Design:

    30 FPS cap!

    our favorite XDA developers found a way around it on some EVO's with the proper hardware...
  • MrBrownSound - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    Hopefully Froyo will sway people to take a second look at evo.
  • alfredska - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    Little late to the game with an EVO 4G review aren't we? Engadget and others already have quite comprehensive reviews.
  • RamarC - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    I just got an evo today and I like it. Since I have 4 phones on a family plan (including a hero and moment), I'm married to Sprint. And since all 4 only cost $170 a month (with unlimited text n data), the price is too good to consider a divorce. Performance is good and it meets my expectations. Comparatively it might be a bit lacking, but it's a good upgrade to anyone who doesn't have/want an iPhone.
  • MrX8503 - Monday, June 28, 2010 - link

    Awesome review Anand, I wish I was able to hold off on buying cellphones before your review as it would of helped a great deal.

    After buying the EVO, I also noticed the lag and performance issues. People thought I was crazy and most review sites don't even mention this. A lot of other tech sites get their reviews out quick, but none of them are as thorough as yours or pick up the little details.
  • nkf - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - link

    While the default keyboard on the EVO is pretty good (big screen helps), you might like to try out the Swype beta. Usual disclaimers (yes, it's a beta. no, I have nothing to do with swype except as a user, etc, etc).

    Have had it for a few days now (on the recommendation of some other android owners), and it has sped up my typing and accuracy by a huge amount.
  • mrdeez - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - link

    I have had the Evo since day one and haven't noticed any lag whatsoever...I don't know what phone your talking about but this one loads pages fast and have had no lagg issues on mine...I'm stock with Advance Task Killer and some games and apps 2.1...

    What I like:
    Speech to text
    Camera and camcorder
    Options Galore
    Its not an iphone

    What I don't like:
    Screen sometimes too sensitive
    Music player is too low
    Paying for 4g-don't have it...aah the cost of early adoption!

    This is my first android phone and I left apple pho..I mean at&t because I was tired of waiting for a android phone......I'm very happy with sprint.
  • t13190 - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - link

    Just wanted everyone to know that as of now a Sprint/Clear is limiting 4G upload speed to 1Mbps until they get more bandwidth available
  • Deusfaux - Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - link

    You might find the HTC Desire to be the right mix of what you're looking for in a phone. It's the 4th pillar, if you consider you've looked at the top HTC Android phones for the other 3 big networks.

    Should be out in a month or so.

    Also, how does one go about emailing or contacting you about something else?

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