Video Recording

Video recording on the Pixel 4 is a relatively simple topic as Google hasn’t changed much to the formula other than the inclusion of the new telephoto module. Even this one addition isn’t quite fully supported by the cameras as Google’s 60fps recording mode is only available for the main camera sensor. Another omission, is the lack of a 4K60 recording mode. It’s quite unfortunately that Google still hasn’t been able to expand the recording features over the past few years.

In terms of video quality, it’s relatively ok. Stabilisation and bit-rates are competitive. I would strongly recommend to switch over to HEVC recording in order to save storage space. Dynamic range of the capture on the other hand isn’t really up to par with what we see from the competition, and the Pixel 4 largely falls behind in this aspect.

What’s really unfortunate is the audio recording quality. Unfortunately, the phone doesn’t seem to have any good wind noise cancellation. It wasn’t particularly windy when I was recording the samples, yet the wind noise is particularly distinct in the recordings.

Speaker Evaluation

The speaker setup on the Pixel 4 has changed substantially compared to the Pixel 3. Google is no longer using two front-facing speakers, opting for a more traditional earpiece + bottom firing speaker setup.

This does cause some problems and represents a downgrade for the new Pixel. While last year the Pixel 3’s stereo bias was actually biased towards the earpiece speaker as the stronger and louder unit, this year it’s very much extremely biased in favour of the bottom firing speaker. Volume isn’t an issue as the phone gets plenty loud.

The audio quality of the phone isn’t bad, however there’s a notable lack of mid-range and especially lack of lower mid-range which unfortunately leads to a less “full” audio playback and the phone doesn’t really compete with either Samsung or Apple’s devices in terms of audio playback ability.

Camera - Low Light Evaluation Conclusion & End Remarks
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  • Retycint - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    Or you could just, go for a brand that has a close-to-stock software experience, and live without all the compromises of the Pixel 4. Or you could just install LineageOS on any other flagship and get the same "Android Software experience"
  • generalako - Sunday, November 10, 2019 - link

    Pixel UI isn't good for how it looks, but how it runs. Frame consistency (smoothness) in animations, scrolling, etc. and consistency in general is something you can't get in every other run-of-the-mill stock Android interface, whether it's OxygenOS or Nokia UI. I don't understand why people never get this.
  • s.yu - Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - link

    If you just turn system animations off, it's faster. I'm currently using a laggy backup phone and it really shows.
  • 29a - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    Do you always lie?
  • airdrifting - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    Any particular reason the design of the phone looks pre-2018? Everyone is going for full screen with 85%+ screen to body ratio, why did Google op for a huge bezel on top? Also 2800 mAh battery for a $800 premium flagship?
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    The forehead is filled with sensors and hardware. It's not really an issue for the phone - you get used to the looks pretty fast.
  • Oliseo - Sunday, November 10, 2019 - link

    It might not be an issue for the phone, but it's an issue for the customers.

    But hey, some random nobody on the Internet halfway down an obscure website said not to worry about it, so.....
  • Sharma_Ji - Sunday, November 10, 2019 - link

    Well, that nobody is whom who wrote the article you are reading.
  • Spunjji - Monday, November 11, 2019 - link

    "obscure website"

    Either you're trolling or you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about; neither looks good.
  • s.yu - Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - link

    I know right, the guy probably thinks Engadget has more authority.

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