Camera - Low Light Evaluation

Night-time photography was starting with the Pixel 3 and the introduction of Night Sight, one of Google’s fortes. The new Pixel 4 is able to improve in this aspect through a few different means: A new and improved camera sensor, a larger lens aperture to capture more light, and a new Night Sight algorithm that promises to improve and iterate upon the existing implementation.

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[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ S10+ (S) ] - [ S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ] - [ Xperia 1 ]

Starting off with the first sample, the differences to the Pixel 3 are quite minor. Besides the different colour of the lighting, the overall composition of the scene and details are pretty much the same between both phones. There is a difference in noise levels between the two, but it’s hard to conclude any one is better than the other.

The Pixels still lead Samsung’s devices, but Apple and Huawei are ahead of the Pixel 4 in terms of detail retention.

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[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ S10+ (S) ] - [ S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ]

In the next shot the differences between the Pixel 4 and 3 are more evident. The new phone has better dynamic range and thus is able to resolve more information in the darker shadows of the scene, such as the main buildings facades.

Apple’s night mode didn’t trigger here which leaves Huawei’s devices as the contenders.

Click for full image
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ S10+ (S) ] - [ S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ]
[ Xperia 1 ]

We’re only seeing minor differences in the P3 <> P4 comparison here. The P4 has slightly better shadow detail and noise handling. Google, Samsung and Huawei all produce great results as Apple falls behind here as again Night Mode doesn’t trigger.

Click for full image
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ Galaxy S10+ (S) ] - [ Galaxy S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ] - [ Xperia 1 ]

The darker it gets, the more evident the improvements of the Pixel 4. The new phone here holds a clear edge over the Pixel 3. The result is actually not that far off from the Exynos S10, with the Pixel having slightly better noise handling. The Snapdragon S10’s night mode seems to continue to be algorithmically inferior. The iPhone 11 is able to get a lot of detail out of the visible areas, but algorithmically isn’t able to extract much light out of the shadows which remain pitch black. Of course, Huawei’s large RYYB sensor is able to capture a stupid amount of light.

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[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ] - [ Galaxy S10+ (S) ]
[ Galaxy S10+ (E) ] - [ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Mate 30 Pro ] - [ P30 Pro ]
[ G8X ] - [ Xperia 1 ]

The phones here are quite in line. The Pixel 4 has an edge in detail which it shares with the Huawei phones, with Apple and Samsung closely behind.

Click for full image
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ Galaxy S10+ (S) ] - [ Galaxy S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ] - [ Xperia 1 ]

The Pixel 4 is able to get a little bit more light than the P3 but it’s not too much a major upgrade. Google lags behind Apple in terms of detail here as the iPhone is able to get a much sharper picture, although lacking details in the darker areas where the sensor just doesn’t pick up any light.

Click for full image
[ Pixel 4 ] - [ Pixel 3 ]
[ Galaxy S10+ (S) ] - [ Galaxy S10+ (E) ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ] - [ Mate 30 Pro ]
[ P30 Pro ] - [ G8X ] - [ Xperia 1 ]

This last shot again showcases the Pixel 4’s better light capture ability as it’s able to notably turn down the ISO levels compared to the Pixel 3, with the resulting shot being significantly sharper. The Pixel 4 is far ahead Samsung and Apple, only trading blows with Huawei.

Low-Light Conclusion – Excellent Upgrades

Overall, the low-light ability of the Pixel 4 is closely tied to how Night Sight performs. Google’s camera here is excellent and the algorithm tweaks are augmented by new main sensor which is able to reduce noise levels more significantly. The differences between the Pixel 4 and Pixel 3 grow the darker it gets as the latter’s sensor just isn’t able to capture enough light.

Google and Apple are battling with each other over their implementations. Sometimes Apple gets the better and sharper shots, however this only ever rarely happens as Night Sight generally provides the better results and isn’t limited by an uncontrollable automatic activation such as on the iPhone 11. Samsung Exynos devices are closely following the Pixel 4 in terms of quality. Huawei generally still has the low-light leadership amongst current flagships.

One aspect that I didn’t test in this review was astrophotography. The reason for this was pretty stupid but also very revealing of the feature’s real-world usability: I wasn’t able to get out of my city’s light pollution area and 90% of the nights since I’ve had the phone were under cloud cover. Whilst I’m sure there’s other people who’ll be able to take advantage of the feature for some good shots, it’s also pretty much a gimmick given its very limited usability.

Camera - Daylight Evaluation Video Recording & Speaker Evaluation
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  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    It goes up to 600 nits in HDR video content, I don't currently have a good methodology to measure that.
  • s.yu - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    I now realize that the crushed black issue is probably not really an issue, it's an attempt to hide the raised noise floor resulting from stacking underexposed shots. Take the poorly lit loading area of that building in sample 3 for example, Pixel 3 displays a similar depth into the shadows to iP11P and S10+, but Pixel 4 goes further at the cost of a lot more noise, while Mate30P simply has more shadow DR because of the larger sensor and that it doensn't use such a stack.
    Also I don't believe the difference in shadow mapping(darker, but far from pitch black leaves, vs. lighter leaves) is evidence of raised DR. It's only raised DR if deeper shadows are revealed at the cost of no more noise, or if the same shadow is now less noisy, but neither is true as evident in the foreground shadow of sample 4, Pixel 4's shadow is, as I noticed at GSMA without even a direct comparison, more noisy than Pixel 3's. Not only noisy but flat-looking, an overdone HDR effect. It's so bad there's blotching, under the roof of the building to the left in sample 4. The costs seem to notably outweigh the gains, or Pixel 4 used an even faster shutter for this specific shot to recover more highlight, resulting in worse shadows. In this shot iP11P's hybrid bracketing approach utilizing longer exposure time for some of the frames shows its strength and delivers the most solid shadows among the different stacking approaches. So if Apple were to lift shadows to the same extent as Pixel 4 then we might have been able to see deeper shadows back in sample 3.
    Come to think of it, Pixel 4's noisy shadows were even notable in the official samples leaked before launch. I thought it was due to pre-retail firmware but I was too optimistic.
    Look's like Apple's is the best overall but Pixel 3 has the most stable detail retention. Samsung still lacks detail as it has been for quite some time but at least DR wise it generally matches Apple. Huawei's latest Mate30P greatly dials down both sharpening and NR resulting in a surprising number of keepers, only sometimes sharpening would seem too low yielding in what's now not waxyness but a thin haziness, or maybe the sharpening threshold is too high.
    Low light:
    In the first sample Pixel 4 obviously added more NR, not a good choice as the noise level of Pixel 3 in this image is completely manageable, more NR only smeared the output. iP11P seems between the two Pixels in a number of metrics. Huawei's night mode apart from somewhat aggregated texture intensely suppresses highlights at the cost of various artifacts present since P20P, can't say I ever liked it.
    Sample 2: Again Pixel 4 is rather taking the shove the noise floor in your face approach rather than actually yielding more shadow DR, just look at the blotchy sky compared to its predecessor, however it's able to better recover highlights from the office windows.
    In the castle sample Pixel 4 definitely does something right, it's not only much cleaner but the blotchy sky is gone. Also I suspect less falloff from the new lens, which yields better corners. Mate30P's technically very large UWA is better than the Samsung's tiny sensor yet a lot worse than the main, perplexing as this sensor's output stacked should still be competitive, also the fact that Mate30P's night mode is only ~21mm equiv. which is halfway between the other two UWA(~12-13) and the mains, in fact leaning toward the FoV of the mains is another issue to consider.
    Second last sample: Apple's algorithm of being able to extract data from relatively sufficient light but complete inability to work with deeper shadows in low light reminds me of the Kandao RAW+ I tried out recently, it's similar in that decent data from a single frame could be greatly improved when stacked, but really poor data from a single frame is left untouched no matter how many frames you stack, which could result in very clean highlights yet completely useless shadows at a certain noise level.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    Thanks for your input, great post.
  • s.yu - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

  • s.yu - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    Thanks for the great samples, your hands seem even steadier than before and the framing is far more consistent than what I expect of handheld comparisons.
  • hoodlum90 - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    Great analysis and I agree with much of your comments. Each of these cameras provide a slightly different look with different emphasis placed on Noise Reduction / Detail, White Balance, shadows, highlights, etc. I think a lot of it comes down to your individual preference.

    Personally I do not like how Samsung applies a lot of noise reduction which impacts detail. But I know there are many that prefer this.approach.

    The Night scenes seam to provide the greater variance. One example is the Castle where the S10, Pixel and iPhone provide similar renderings with differences in white balance, noise reduction and detail. The P30 Pro seems to take a different approach that I do not like. In this scene the P30 Pro provided a more flat lighting that seems unrealistic. The background trees are the brighter green and the sky has lost all cloud detail. This reminds me of the HDR from the previous gen iPhones that also did not look realistic.
  • s.yu - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    "Personally I do not like how Samsung applies a lot of noise reduction which impacts detail."
    Yeah, me neither. What's even more worrying was that the Note10 series had that up a notch compared to the S10 series which was at least largely on par with Note9 and S9. There's hope for a different turn if S11 uses that new HMX, or at least 27MP would still match the pixel downsampled to 12MP, but there's also speculation that the flagship won't use the best and largest sensor(seeing how Mi Note 10 is close to 1cm thick it makes sense).

    "The Night scenes... that I do not like."
    Yeah, me neither. :) It's too flat, not only from Andrei's review but also from GSMA's review that came out faster with far fewer samples. In some instances P30P/Mate30P would suppress highlights so much that a night scene is turned to a dusk scene as street lamps look dim and weak and cast light not significantly brighter than the surroundings. It's completely overdone and it's a mistake I wouldn't have made 10 years ago when I just started to post process my photos.
    Also if you look closely at the trees I would suspect that it's artificially colored. RYYB should distinguish green poorly(it leaks longer wavelength through by design after all) and the green looks mushy with a fake-looking color tone leaning towards cyan. I wouldn't be surprised if this color was filled by the so-called "AI" as it might have recognized trees when the camera failed to determine the actual color in that area, while it's not precise enough for a more convincing fill.
  • hoodlum90 - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    There is a little trick to force the Night Mode option on the iPhone 11. The iPhone seems to determine the mode based on what it is focusing on. If you manually focus on the one of the darker area in the night photos where Night Mode was not an option, then it would show up as an option. You just need to remember to manually lower exposure as the scene may end up brighter than expected. Something similar can be done to enforce the "deep fusion" mode in certain instances although that is more difficult to determine as the iPhone doesn't tell you when this mode is used.

    This seems to be a quirk that Apple can easily fix but for now needs to be worked around manually.
  • Spencer1 - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Thanks for this nugget. I’ll try it when I get my unit.
  • Hulk - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    I only care about the following things when checking out a phone.

    How does it feel in my hand?
    How is the display?
    How long does the battery last?
    How fast does the camera open?
    How good is the camera?

    Honestly all high end phones are pretty good on these points. I have a Pixel 2 because I'm a Google Fi subscriber. I'll pass on the Pixel 4. I don't see any significant improvements on the points I listed above.

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